
5th May 2021, Skopje – Under the Municipal Services Improvement Project – MSIP, implemented by the Ministry of Finance, nine municipalities are being allocated Denar 206.6 million or EUR 3.4 million, Denar 43.8 million out of which as a grant, intended for capital projects, such as construction and reconstruction of local roads, reconstruction of water supply network, construction of wastewater treatment plant, reconstruction of green market and procurement of new municipal vehicle. Today, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, met with the mayors and the representatives of the nine municipalities being allocated the funds: Veles, Sveti Nikole, Chair, Strumica, Negotivno, Gazi Baba, Cheshinovo-Obleshevo, Brvenica and Pehchevo.

Minister Besimi underlined that the Municipal Services Improvement Project – MSIP, the total amount of which is approximately EUR 102 million, has provided for supporting more than 260 capital investments so far, such as construction of local roads, utility infrastructure, kindergartens and other municipal infrastructure, in all municipalities throughout the country.

– It is a matter of around 6 km local road, reconstruction of green market and procurement of new municipal vehicle, however, these sub-projects are of really great importance for the local citizens. For instance, procurement of a backhoe loader for the utility enterprise in Brvenica will ensure easier removal of the snow on the local roads and the river beds during winter. Our goal, through this Project, is to provide improved public services in each municipality across the country, thus creating better living conditions for all our citizens, Besimi pointed out.

Under these sub-projects, loans have been awarded to: Veles Municipality in the amount of Denar 46 million for reconstruction of the green market, Sveti Nikole Municipality in the amount of Denar 43 million for construction and reconstruction of several streets in Rudine settlement, Chair Municipality in the amount of Denar 39.7 million for reconstruction of the water supply network, as well as the sewerage and storm water network on Dizhonska Street, Negotino Municipality in the amount of Denar 19.9 million for reconstruction of the local streets in the city area, Cheshinovo-Obleshevo Municipality in the amount of Denar 8.4 million for reconstruction of seven streets and Brvenica Municipality in the amount of Denar 5.7 million for procurement of combined backhoe loader for the public utility enterprise.

As a result of the previous successfully implemented sub-projects under the Municipal Services Improvement Project, grants were awarded to: Strumica, in the amount of Denar 24 million for construction of two service streets and collectors in Sofilar settlement, Gazi Baba, in the amount of Denar 18.3 million for construction of wastewater treatment plant in Smilkovci settlement, and Pehchevo, in the amount of Denar 1.6 million for construction of local streets in the village of Crnik.

Mayor of Veles Municipality, Aco Kocevski, underlined that by reconstructing the green market in Veles, the city will have a modern and urban green market in line with all standards. Implementation of this sub-project is expected to provide for a larger and better organized space of the green market, with provided sanitary facilities, including access streets for delivery of the products to the market, parking space and all other necessities for a normal functioning of the green market.

Water supply network, sewerage and storm water network along six sections on Dizhonska Street will be reconstructed in Chair Municipality.

– By signing the sub-loan agreement under the Second Municipal Services Improvement Project – MSIP 2, we have provided, in a transparent manner, meeting all requirements, around Denar 40 million to implement the Sub-Project for Reconstruction of the Water Supply Network, the Sewerage and Storm Water Network on Dizhonska Street. Please allow me to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Finance and Minister Besimi for their dedication to implementing this Project, Visar Ganiu, Mayor of Chair Municipality, said.

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