
5th May 2022, Skopje – Deepened economic cooperation between Republic of North Macedonia and Switzerland, as well as the implementation of on-going projects by Ministry of Finance with financial support of Swiss Government via the State Secretariat for European Affairs SECO, were topics of discussion at the meeting held between Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi and the Swiss Ambassador, Veronique Hulmann. Ongoing macroeconomic developments and energy crisis in the country were also discussed at the meeting.

The topic covered also pertained to the Macroeconomic Planning and Management Project, which implementation was launched in the Ministry of Finance with the support of the SECO Program for Balanced Regional Development implemented through UNDP and with financial support extended by the Government of Switzerland, as well as the Government Debt and Risk Management Program, aimed at improving the activities related to the public debt management process. Thus, as underlined at the meeting, Swiss Government provides full support to the activities of the Ministry of Finance in improving the public finance management process and the tax administration by financing project activities, to be implemented with technical support by IMF and WB.

Swiss Ambassador pointed out that cooperation between both countries will also continue in future, adding that Switzerland is one of our country’s major donors.

Last year, Protocol amending the Convention for Avoidance of Double Taxation, with respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital was signed between Republic of North Macedonia and Switzerland in line with the new Tax Convention of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and BEPS Standards. Protocol provides for strengthening the existing provisions pertaining to avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income and on capital between both countries, thus also achieving greater tax transparency and fair tax treatment.

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