
1st February 2023, Skopje – When major public finance reforms are being implemented, being a precondition for accelerated economic growth, as well as part of our path to the European Union, it is indispensable to strengthen the professional and skilled personnel in the Ministry of Finance, as leading institution in the financial sphere.  We will undertake all measures for the considerable responsibility the employees bear when working with billions of euros of the citizens, as well as their expertise, to be adequately valued, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, underlined.

Besimi emphasized that average wage in the Ministry of Finance, amounting to Denar 26,000, is even twice as low compared to the average wage in the Finance sector as a whole – Denar 49,800, while when it comes to managerial positions in the Finance sector and the Ministry of Finance, this ratio is considerably higher.

“Finances are the bloodstream of each society, with the Ministry of Finance being the crucial institution providing for normal functioning of all other institutions. Still, despite the considerable responsibility arising from the competence itself of the Ministry of Finance, wages of employees in the Ministry of Finance are significantly lower than the one of employees in certain of its affiliated bodies, while the average wage in the Ministry of Finance, amounting to Denar 26,000, is even twice as low compared to the average wage in the whole Finance sector. When it comes to managerial positions in the Finance sector and the Ministry of Finance, this ratio is considerably higher. In times of major public finance reforms and harmonization with the EU Acquis, it is essential for the professional and skilled personnel to remain with the institution and prevent outflow of staff, which is the case in the past years”, Besimi said.

Minister of Finance emphasized that the initiative for the amendment to the New Organic Budget Law, proposed and supported by the MPs, was aimed at resolving this issue and providing for adequate and fair conditions as per the responsibility.

However, since the very purpose of the Law itself cannot be achieved with the respective provision, i.e. awarding all those engaged in the preparation and the execution of the state Budget, due to the impossibility to determine the specificities of the working tasks and the special responsibility arising from the working position, we will regulate its application by clarifying the respective provision thoroughly in the Organic Budget Law or the Law on Public Sector Wage System, which is in its final stage of preparation as a systemic solution within the public sector.

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