5th May 2023, Skopje – Main scope of authority of the Ministry of Finance is to design the budget, the framework and the main forecasts and act as per the Budget approved by the Parliament, with the MPs deciding on behalf of the citizens. All spending beyond the adopted projections is to be considered under the new budget,
Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, said at today’s press conference held at the Government building, announcing that, in order to avoid any ambiguities arising in the legally prescribed hiring process at the budget users, the Ministry of Finance will publicly announce the procedure on its website.
“With respect to the hiring process at the budget users, Ministry of Finance only provides information on whether the respective budget user has allocated funds therefore in its budget, considering the funds are budget funds, hence each spending not envisaged and no funds allocated therefore are harmful to the budget, Minister of Finance said, underlining that the Ministry has no jurisdiction and capacity to micromanage the institutions, with the responsibility therefor resting with those managing the institutions.
He also said that as regards the case of the Clinic in Stip, as well as all those having submitted requests to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry and the institutions communicate with each other and steps are being accordingly undertaken to overcome the differences.