9th November 2020, Skopje – “We expect for next year to be a year of economic recovery. 2021 Budget should be basis for long-term growth, faster than the one so-far, which will be achieved through the development of human resources, boosted competitiveness of companies and the rule of law, as well as by increasing the capacity of institutions”, Minister of Finance Farmir Besimi pointed out during the meeting at the occasion of preparing the 2021 Draft Budget, with the Presidents of the Chambers of Commerce, Branko Azeski as President of the Economic Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, Nebi Hoxha, President of the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia and Daniela Arsovska, President of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, with her online presence.
What Besimi discussed with the representatives of the chambers of commerce was the economic growth projections, under which 2021 Draft Budget was designed, as well as the measures under the four set, which should be implemented in the next period, the realization of which will provide for underpinning the economic growth.
– Support for the health sector is a top priority, being reflected in the 2021 Draft Budget. The second goal is economic recovery, through measures for the vulnerable categories, support to the economy and keeping the jobs. Given the Budget forecasts for next year, the focus should be, as much as possible, placed on policies that will support investments for boosting the competitiveness, as well as policies that will support the realization of capital investments, which will mean sustainable growth, i.e. intensified growth rate in the medium run, Besimi underlined.
At the same time, he pointed out that activities have been undertaken, pertaining to mechanisms aimed at realizing capital investments and development projects, whereby methodology for assessing the effects from the investment projects on the economic growth, will be introduced.
As for the measures under the fourth set of measures, special emphasis was placed on the state loan guarantee, the additional EUR 100 million for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, as well as abolishment of parasfiscal duties, which should be implemented throughout next year.
– State loan guarantee and customs bank guarantee, to be issued through the Development bank, will provide for easier access to financial resources, being made available by commercial banks, intended for supporting the private sector, as well as customs bank guarantee covering the customs debt for import of raw materials, which are manufacturing products intended for export. The purpose of the guarantee scheme is supporting the liquidity of companies, their competitiveness and export. The additional EUR 100 million from EIB to be made available through the Development Bank, are also aimed at providing fresh capital for support of new projects, new employments, greater liquidity of the business sector and boosted export. Throughout 2021, the measure for abolishment of parafiscal charges will also be implemented, for the purpose of reducing certain portion of the burden the companies face – Besimi said, also stressing that these measures would significantly contribute to boosting the competitiveness of companies and increasing the employment.
The representatives of the Chambers of Commerce welcomed the Government’s efforts to tackle the economic situation and called for their sooner realization, for the purpose of better coping with the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.