Kavadarci, 14th February 2016 (MIA) – Total of Denar 4.6 billion or EUR 75 million has been paid as subsidies to viticulture since 2008 onwards.

Around 5,000 winegrowers from Kavadarci were paid Denar 200 million last year. This is how we will continue in future, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, stated, addressing the those present at the city square in Kavadarci at the occasion of the religious holiday St. Tryphon, the patron saint of winegrowers.

He also underlined that grape and wine production tradition in the Tikves region and Macedonia has centuries-old, where amazing wines, rich in flavor with a southern scent, have been produced since time immemorial.

– Everyone who has visited us and drunk our wine said it has been the best and the most tasteful wine he has ever tried. The credit thereto goes to you and your efforts. You know that we support you and will always have our support both through wine subsidies and promotion, Stavreski underlined.

He, wishing the families throughout the Tikves region and Macedonia a bountiful harvest, underlined that viticulture and winemaking are the pillar of the Macedonian economy.

– You have asked at one occasion for the deadline for wineries to pay for the grape to be shortened and we will thoroughly considered this issue. It will be discussed at the Government, included into our program, hence we will strive for the payment to grape growers be as more timely as possible, Stavreski pointed out to the citizens of Kavadarci.

Mayor of Kavadarci, Aleksandar Panov, also addressed those present, pointing out that time was in favour of the grape growers, rather than of the wineries, asking for the deadline by which wineries are to pay for the grape to be shortened and the payment to be faster, all to the end, as he said, for they not to cut the bough they are standing on.

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