30th October 2020, Skopje – By recording savings growth in times of pandemic this year, the World Savings Day was celebrated, being organized by the Macedonian Banking Association and the Deposit Insurance Fund.

– The World Savings Day was celebrated under specific conditions this year. We are struggling with the consequences from an unknown virus, not only from the aspect of health but also economically. We fight for every life, as well as for the survival of every business entity, and each job thereof. However, even amid such conditions, we managed to celebrate the World Savings Day, by making respectable progress, Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi pointed out.

In times of health and economic crisis, total deposits registered annual growth of 6.1%.

– As of September inclusive, total deposits of households recorded annual growth of 6.1%, while total deposits of enterprises experienced annual growth of 8%. This speaks in favour of the fact that the confidence in the banking system is substantial, Minister of Finance, pointed out, also adding that Denar savings were higher than foreign currency savings, whereby Denar deposits accounted for 52.3% of total deposits, as of 30th September inclusive.

Positive trends as regards savings were also coupled by the growth of crediting. Crediting to households and enterprises increased by 7.3% on annual basis. Thereby, household crediting grew by 9.5%, while crediting to households picked up by 5.2%.

– In times of health crisis, accompanied by economic crisis, the safety and stability of the banking sector, which predominates on the financial market, playing key role in the support to the economy, was the Government’s main priority in the field of finances, Minister underlined. 

He stressed that at present, teams of the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank, have been working on several laws aimed at additional enhancement of the safety and the stability of the banking sector.

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