Prilep, 2nd December 2015 (MIA) – Opening ofGenthermfactory in PrilepAmerican investment, EUR 200 million worth, will create 2,000 direct jobs, as well as a big number of indirect jobs through the opportunity for cooperation of local companies. This was pointed out by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski following his visit of the “Gentherm” factory – global giant in the automotive industry in TIDZ Prilep, the construction of which is in the final stage.

Exactly three years ago, in December 2012, we were here, marking the launch of the construction of TIDZ Prilep. I announced even then that according to its scope and nature, this zone was envisaged to attract major investors that will create more jobs. It is than when I promised that Prilep, Bitola, Resen and the surrounding inhabited areas will get a zone that would attract a big number of interested investors, and that we as a Government would work hard to that end. We put maximum efforts and managed to put in practice the promise I made three years ago, Prime Minister Gruevski said.

He also said that the negotiations with the company commenced in 2014, adding that Macedonia was only one of the countries the investor considered as a possible investment destination.

The company has chosen Macedonia as a result of the Government’s offer of favourable investment opportunities, as well as the availability to skilled labour force. It is yet another confirmation that the investment opportunities of the country are excellent and that this Government does everything it can to attract investors in Macedonia, and the outcome thereof is obvious, Prime Minister Gruevski underlined.

He stressed that the first 350 people have been already employed and sent to training in the “Gentherm” factory in Ukraine.

Products will be intended for the European market, mainly for the leading automobile giants such as “Ferrari”, “Porsche”, “Bentley”, “BMW”, “Renault” and others by which, as he underlined, the exports from Macedonia will be stronger and the assortment of products labeled “Made In Macedonia” will be wider.

I am confident that other investors will also follow Gentherm suit and choose Macedonia whenever they look for access to the European market, good infrastructure, favourable business conditions, skilled human resources and friendly oriented Government, Prime Minister Gruevski said.

As Prime Minister pointed out, new investments in the industrial zone Prilep 1 have also contributed to job creation. Lots have been already sold in the zone and new facilities of several companies are being built thereon at the moment, and there is ongoing procedure of sale of lots in the industrial zone Prilep 2. Al this, as he underlined, points out to the interest in investing in Prilep.

Vice President of Gentherm Jorg Evers said that when selecting new locations for expanding their business, they took Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Morocco and Hungary into consideration, and finally decided to invest in Macedonia as a result of the excellent qualifications of the people they interviewed, as well as the professional behaviour of the representatives of the Government of Macedonia.

Our goal is to bring state-of-the-art technology for manufacturing engine’s temperature regulating components. The overall managing team consists of Macedonians, except for the factory’s manager. The fact that our labour force, comprising Macedonians, is sent to intensive training in Ukraine, is a guarantee for our future success, Evers said.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski also had his address before those present, pointing out that it is expected for this first investor in TIDZ Prilep to start its operations in March, the purpose of which will be manufacturing the most modern components for the needs of the global companies in the field of automotive industry.

He expressed contentment that a lot of companies show interest in investing not only in Skopje, but also in other cities across the country, being of great significance for equal development of the country.

Director of TIDZ Directorate Viktor Mizo said that in parallel to the construction of the “Gentherm” factory, the construction of TIDZ Prilep is reaching its end. Around EUR 2 million have been invested in the first construction stage in the zone, whereas around EUR 4 million will be invested in the next phase for the purpose of traffic networking, water supply and other infrastructure. The zone covers an area of around 68 hectares, comprising 23 building lots organized in 13 blocks where production capacities of leading global companies will be located, which in addition to job creation, will provide for developing and applying new technologies, boosted competitiveness of the local economy, improved trade and faster development of the economy of the country as a whole.

Gentherm is a global company for manufacturing spares parts in the car industry, being present in three continents with eight factories.

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