Financial Police Office is a body within the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia, having legal personality. It was established on 26 June 2003 pursuant to the Law on Financial Police.


Bay Dimitar Vlahov No.4, floor4,
1000 Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia
office: ++389 (0) 2 3231 578

Financial Police Office is a body with specific authorizations pursuant to the Law on Criminal Procedure, in charge of consistent application of the regulations, in particular in the field of financial, tax and customs operations. The new Law precisely regulates the competences and the authorizations of the Financial Police Office when detecting and pursuing complex forms of organized financial crime in the Republic of Macedonia.

The Office performs the following competences:

  • carries out financial control, monitors the application of tax, customs and other regulations in the field of finance, collects and analyses data on cash transactions, undertakes preliminary investigative and other measures when there are reasonable doubts for committed criminal deeds in the field of organized financial crime, carries out preliminary investigative procedure for criminal deeds in the field of organized financial crime when pursued ex officio and follows the money trail under criminal deeds stipulated by law that include significant and large-volume amounts;
  • detects and documents criminal deeds, above all in the field of organized financial crime and criminal deeds pursued ex officio, such as tax evasion, money laundering and other proceeds from crime, tax, banking, insurance, stock exchange, customs and other frauds with significant and large-volume amounts, grave forms of corruption, such as abuse of official duty and powers in terms of acquiring significant amounts or acquiring amounts at the detriment of the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia, receiving and giving bribe, as well as causing false bankruptcy, counterfeiting and destroying of business books, counterfeiting documents, financing terrorism, not paying custom duties, excises or other public fees stipulated by law, which include larger, significant and large-volume amounts;
  • carries out procedure for examining property and property status on the basis of public data and registries kept pursuant to law;
  • implements preliminary investigative measures so as to detect and provide trails of the criminal deed and the objects that can serve as evidence, to find the perpetrator, to prevent the perpetrator or the accomplice from hiding or fleeing, as well as to gather all information that could be of use for successful conducting of the criminal procedures;
  • brings criminal charges to the competent public prosecutor for criminal deeds under its competence, which are pursued ex officio, for which it is being informed or will learn in any other manner;
  • initiates and conducts misdemeanour procedure, as well as submits initiative for initiating offence procedure to the competent bodies, if, when performing its competences, it determines misdemenaour responsibility stipulated by law;
  • submits initiative for initiating procedure for determining and collecting public fees before the competent body;
  • carries out expert computer analysis of confiscated objects, computer information or data from other electronic and mechanical devices containing information, which can serve as evidence in the course of conducting preliminary investigative and offence procedure within its competence;
  • organizes and carries out trainings, knowledge examination of the financial police officers and manages human resources;
  • upon request by other government bodies and institutions, prepares and provides expert findings and opinions within its competence;
  • cooperates with peer bodies from other countries in line with the bilateral agreements and ratified international agreements and
  • perform other activities stipulated by this and other laws.

To the end of developing the capacities of the Financial Police Office, and pursuant to the Constitution and the laws in the Republic of Macedonia, as well as the ratified international agreements in the field of criminal procedure, best practices, applied by law enforcement authorities in the EU Member States, are being continuously implemented.

2009 – 2011 Strategic Plan of the Financial Police Office includes projects and programs containing future measures and activities to be undertaken by the Financial Police Office. They are primarily aimed at continuing the reforms in the penal legislation, in particular in the field of prevention and repression of financial organized crime and corruption.

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