
27th February 2025, Skopje –IMF’s Report along with the preliminary findings on our country, published at the end of the conducted Article IV Mission, most accurately depicts the policies implemented by the Government led by SDSM/DUI political parties, thus leaving the new Government to address and rectify the lingering issues.

In her Facebook post, the Minister states:

“While you are targeting me for a range of reasons, I am focused on dealing with facts, which, unfortunately, for everyone concerned, are very disturbing.

IMF Report speaks of the detrimental policies pursued by the past Government led by SDS/DUI political parties, with no second thoughts.

Due to their unreasonable spending, public debt spiralled to a disastrous extent, thus making the Government led by VMRO-DPMNE do wonders, by borrowing a loan with historically lowest interests, and “put out fires”, so to speak, on all “front lines”, while the countries in the region have successfully taken concrete actions in view of prudent public debt management. At the same time, due to the low level of capital expenditures under the SDS/DUI governance, our country’s performance was assessed as poor in that segment as well, with none of the projects from that period being implemented.

Therefore, for next time, when you run out of arguments, do not twist my words. In case you aim to present yourself as a constructive opposition, we need to discuss facts, with no orchestrated lies and false empathy expressed towards fellow party members”, her Facebook profile post reads.

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