Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Framework Loan Agreement to be signed between the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Development Bank of North Macedonia JSC Skopje for Programme Loan for Development Bank of the North Macedonia JSC Skopje for Job Creation in Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in North Macedonia, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.74/24;
Deutsche Bank
Law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for financing the Project “Modernization of Unit 1 of Boilers in TPP Bitola”, to be concluded between Deutsche Bank and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no.152/13;
Law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for financing the Project “Modernization of Units 2 and 3 of boilers in TPP Bitola” to be concluded between Deutsche Bank and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no.106/12;
Law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for financing the Project “Supplying, erection and put into operation of LOT 3 – Main coal conveyor belt system from Brod Gneotino to Suvodol”, to be concluded between Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no.18/11;
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for Financing the Regional Gasification Project, to be signed between the Joint Stock Company for performing energy activity – natural gas transmission NOMAGAS Skopje in state ownership and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.64/24;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for Financing the ESM Energy Crisis Liquidity Support Project, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Akcionersko drushtvo za proizvodstvo na elektrichna energija Elektrani na Severna Makedonija, vo drzhavna sopstvenost, Skopje (JSC Power Plants of North Macedonia), published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.154/23;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for Financing TEN-T Skopje-Kosovo Border Motorway Project, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM”, no.150/22;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for financing the ESM Solar PV Transition Project, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and JSC Power Plants of North Macedonia, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM”, no.150/22;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for Financing Road Corridor VIII – Phase I Project, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.288/21;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for financing the Project for Construction and Installation of New Electronic Tolling Systems along Corridor VIII and Miladinovci – Shtip Motorway to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 124/19;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for financing the Skopje Bus Project to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Transport Company Skopje (JSP), published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 7/19;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for financing Kriva Palanka – Deve Bair Road Section (border with Bulgaria) to be concluded between European Bank For Reconstruction and Development and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 163/18;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement (Shtip – Radovish Road Section) to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 194/15;
Law on Modifications and Amendments to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for Financing the National Roads Program, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 194/15;
Law on Addendum to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for Macedonian Railways Fleet Renewal Project, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Macedonian Railways Transport Joint Stock Company – Skopje, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 10/15;
Law on Addendum to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for financing the National Roads Programme, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 10/15;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for Financing the National Roads Programme to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 178/14;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for Macedonian Railways Fleetn Renewal Project, to be concluded between the European Bank fo Reconstruction and Development and Macedonian Railways Joint Stock Company, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 121/12;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for financing Boskov Most Hydro Power Plant Project, to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM“ no.134/11;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the JP Elektrostopanstvo na Makedonija for Realization of the Energy Sector Project, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 13/06;
Law on Amendments and Modifications to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Elektrostopantsvo na Makedonija A.D. for realization of the Project for Construction of 400 KW Electricity Transmission Line from Stip (Republic of Macedonia) to Crvena Mogila (Republic of Bulgaria), published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 46/05;
Law on Guaranteeing the Repayment of Funds the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development extends to the Goverment of the Republic of Macedonia in the pre-privatization process, for acquiring shares when privatizing AD ESM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 68/04;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Elektrostopanstvo na Makedonija A.D for Realization of the Project for Construction of 400 kv Electricity Transmission Line from Stip (Republic of Macedonia) to Crvena Mogila (Republic of Bulgaria), published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 72/03;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement to be concluded between the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the National and Regional Road Fund of the Republic of Macedonia for implementation of the Road Project II (construction of the Skopje by-pass and of the Smokvica – Gevgelija road section), published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 42/03;
European Investment Bank
Law on Modifications and Amendments to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Finance Contract intended for financing the “Gas Interconnector Greece – North Macedonia, North Macedonia Part” Project, to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the state-owned Joint Stock Company for Performing Energy Activities National Energy Resources Skopje, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.255/24;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia of liabilities under the Finance Contract for loan of the Development Bank of the North Macedonia for financing small- and medium-sized enterprises, mid-cap companies and green transition, to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the Development Bank of North Macedonia JSC Skopje, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.129/23;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Finance Contract intended for financing the “Gas Interconnector Greece – North Macedonia, North Macedonia Part” Project, to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the state-owned Joint Stock Company for Performing Energy Activities National Energy Resources Skopje, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.288/21;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia of liabilities under the Finance Contract, COVID-19 Response North Macedonia – Development Bank of the North Macedonia JSC Skopje for financing small– and medium-sized enterprises and mid-cap companies, to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the Development Bank of the North Macedonia JSC Skopje, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no. 122/21;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia of Liabilities under the Finance Contract as regards the Loan for Financing Small– and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Other Priority Projects – Stage V, to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 163/18;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia of Liabilities under the Finance Contract as regards the Loan for Financing Small and Medium-Size Enterprises and other priority projects – Stage IV, to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the Macedonian Bank for Development promotion, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 188/13;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia of Liabilities upon the Finance Contract for Financing Small and Medium-Size Enterprises and other priority projects – Stage III, to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and the Macedonian Bank for Development promotion, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 84/12;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia of Liabilities upon the Finance Contract for Financing Small and Medium-Size Enterprises and other priority projects – Stage II, to be concluded between the European Investment Banka and the Macedonian Bank for Development promotion, published in the Official Gazette of the RM no. 134/11;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for Financing Small and Medium-Size Enterprise and Other Priority Projects to be concleded between the European Investment Banka and the Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 77/09;
Law on Amendments and Modifications to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Financial Loan Agreement to be concluded between the European Investment Bank and Elektrostopantsvo na Makedonija A.D for implementation of the Power Substations Project in the Republic of Macedonia, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 46/05;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Financial Loan Agreement concluded between the European Investment Bank and “Elektrostopanstvo na Makedonija” A.D for Realization of the Project for Construction of Substations in the Republic of Macedonia, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 72/03;
Export – Import Bank of China
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for additional financing for the Project on Construction of Kicevo-Ohrid Motorway, to be concluded between the Export-Import Bank of China and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of RNM” no.244/2019;
Law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for the “Project on Construction of Miladinovci – Shtip Motorway” to be concluded between the Export – Import Bank of China and the Public Enterprises for State Roads of the Republic of Macedonia, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 149/2013;
Law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for the “Project on Construction of Kicevo – Ohrid Motorway” to be concluded between the Export – Import Bank of China and the Public Enterprises for State Roads of the Republic of Macedonia, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 149/2013;
Bank of China and CWE Company (China International Water & Electric Corp)
Law on Amendments and Modifications to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreements for the Project HPP “Kozjak” with the Bank of China and CWE Company (China International Water & Electric Corp.), published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 13/06;
Credit Bank for Reconstruction of the Federal Republic of Germany (KfW)
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for financing Renewable Energy Programme ESM – Component II: PV Powerplant Bitola 2 and Component III: Wind Farm Bogdanci Phase 2, to be concluded between KfW Development Bank and AD Elektrani na Severna Makedonija (AD ESM – Skopje), Skopje (JSC Power Plants of North Macedonia), published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.256/24;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for Financing Renewable Energy Programme ESM – Component I: Rehabilitation of Hydro Power Plants, to be concluded between KFW Development Bank and AD Elektrani na Severna Makedonija (ESM), Skopje (JSC Power Plants of North Macedonia), published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM”, no.39/23;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia of Liabilities under the Loan Agreement, for financing the Project „Wind Farm Bogdanci – Second Phase“, to be concluded between the KfW Development Bank and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no.228/18;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia on the liabilities under the Loan Agreement for financing the District Heating Bitola Project, to be concluded between KfW Development Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” No.225/15;
Law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia on the obligations from the Loan Agreement, intended for additional financing of the project “Wind Park Bogdanci”, to be concluded between KfW Development Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no.93/13;
Law on Guarantee of the Republic of Macedonia on the obligations from the Loan Agreement, intended for financing of the project “Wind Park Bogdanci”, to be concluded between KfW Development Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no.45/11;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement, intended for financing the Project “Rehabilitation of Six Hydropower Plants” to be concluded between the KfW and AD Elem, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 118/10;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia of the Liabilities Under the Loan and Financing Agreement for intensification of the development of Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia, to be concluded between the Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion and the Credit Bank for Reconstruction of the Federal Republic of Germany, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 69/04;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for Realization of the Small and Medium Enterprises Project from the Credit Bank for Reconstruction (“KfW”), published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 109/00;
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for Additional Financing for the Road Upgrading and Development Project, to be concluded between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – World Bank and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.74/24;
Law on addendum to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for Financing the Road Upgrading And Development Project to be concluded between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – World Bank and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, to be published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 194/15;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for Financing the Road Upgrading And Development Project to be concluded between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – World Bank and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 129/15;
Law on Addendum to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement for financing the National Roads Programme, to be concluded between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – World Bank and Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 10/15;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement Loan Agreement for Financing the National and Regional Road Rehabilitation Project to be
concluded between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – World Bank and the Public Enterprise for State Roads, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 116/14;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia for the Loan agreement for Additional Financing of the ad MEPSO Project, to be concluded between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-the World Bank and AD MEPSO, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 47/11;
law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia for the Loan Agreement for Financing of the Preparation of proposed Lukovo Pole Renewable Energy Project, to be concluded between the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development -the World Bank and AD ELEM, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 45/11;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for Railway Reform Project, to be concluded between the PE Macedonia Railways Infrastructure – Skopje and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 17/08;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement intended for the Railways Reform Project, to be concluded between Makedonski Zeleznici Transport AD – Skopje (“Macedonian Railways Transport” Joint Stock Company – Skopje) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 17/08;
Law on Amendments and Modifications to the Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia upon the Loan Agreement under the Project for the Power System Improvement Project from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 13/06;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreement for Railways Reform Project, to be concluded between JP Makedonski Zeleznici (Public Enterprise “Macedonian Railways) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 109/05;
Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of North Macedonia under the Credit Facility Agreement, to be concluded between the Agence Française de Développement and the Development Bank of North Macedonia JSC Skopje for Development Bank of North Macedonia JSC Skopje Facility for Green and Social Investments, published in the “Official Gazette of the RNM” no.262/23;
Nova Ljubljanska Banka D.D Ljubljana
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the Loan Agreements concluded between Nova Ljubljanska Banka D.D. Ljubljana and JKP Standard Debar and between Nova Ljubljanska Banka D.D. Ljubljana and JP Komunalec Kavadarci for realization of the rehabilitation of six hydro power plants, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 107/00;
Law on Guarantee by the Republic of Macedonia under the “Agreement on Setting the Debt of Makedonski zeleznici Transport AD Skopje (“Macedonian Railways Transport” Joint Stock Company Skopje) as legal successor of JP Makedonski zeleznici Skopje (Public Enterprise “Macedonian Railways Skopje”) towards Hungarian State Railways (MAV SA) for the period 1991-1995″, published in the “Official Gazette of the RM” no. 142/08;