Tax and Customs Policy Department performs activities related to preparation of loans and by-loans in the field of personal income tax, profit tax, value added tax, excises, property taxes, utility and administrative fees, registration of cash payments and tax procedures, gathering and coordinating the activities in the field of customs policy, system and procedures, Customs Tariff, customs value and origin, non-tariff measures, e-customs, analytics and projecting customs revenues and finding ways for their improvement, cooperation with many international organizations and institutions (WTO, WCO and EU), harmonization and preparation of customs regulations in line with the global and European standards, as well as analysing and monitoring free trade agreements.

In addition, the Department also performs activities related to preparation of draft-agreements on avoidance of double taxation, as well as participation in the negotiation procedure with other countries for the purpose of concluding bilateral agreements on avoidance of double taxation and protection against fiscal evasion, as regards income taxes and capital taxes.




Double Taxation

Second-Instance Procedure

Twinning Project:  (Improving Revenue Collection and Tax and Customs Policy)-Tax Expenditures Report

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