The Tax and Customs Policy Sector carries out activities related to the preparation of laws and by-laws in the field of personal income tax, corporate income tax, value added tax, excise duties, property taxes, utility and administrative fees, registration of cash payments and tax procedures, unification and coordination of activities in the field of customs policy, system and procedures, Customs Tariff, customs value and origin, non-tariff measures, e-customs, analytics and projection of customs revenues and finding ways to improve them, cooperation with several international organizations and institutions (WTO, WCO and EU), harmonization and preparation of customs regulations in accordance with global and European standards, as well as analysis and monitoring of free trade agreements.
The sector also carries out work related to the preparation of draft agreements for the avoidance of double taxation, as well as participation in the procedure of conducting negotiations with other countries, with the aim of concluding bilateral agreements for the avoidance of double taxation and protection against fiscal evasion in relation to income taxes and capital taxes.
Contact persons:
Assistant Head of the Department for Excise Policy and Motor Vehicle Tax
Suzana Stojmiroska
Phone: 02/3255-483
Assistant Head of the Department for International Taxation, Harmonization with the EU and Other Public Revenues
Natalija Kozovska
Phone: 02/ 3255 -753
Assistant Head of the Department for Projections and Analyses
Edis Ramcilovic
Phone: 02/ 3255 -497
E-mail: edis.rаmcilovic@finа
Head of the Department for Tax Policy in the Area of Direct Taxes
Marina Dimoska
Phone: 02/ 3255 -488
Head of the Department for Tax Policy in the Field of Indirect Taxes
Dejan Nikolovski
phone: 02/ 3255 -757
Head of the Department for Customs Policy
Daniela Saveska
phone: 02/ 3255 -447
Head of the Department for Other Public Revenues and Tax Procedure
Irena Vasileska Šalević
phone: 02/ 3255 -793
Head of the Department for International Taxation and the Harmonization Process with the European Union
Marinela Stefanovska Petrovska
phone: 02/ 3255 -752
Head of Concessions and PPP Department
Ilvije Kasami
phone: 02/ 3255 -775