Public Debt Management Department
Public Debt Management Department performs tasks and duties related to managing the existing debt portfolio; favourable terms and conditions for financing the borrowing needs; borrowing on domestic and international markets through negotiations and concluding loan agreements and issuing guarantees related to projects of international financial institutions; processing and settlement of transactions, as well as administrative functions; key function related to debt portfolio management; activities and measures for timely servicing liabilities related to public debt, settled from the State Budget account, organizational code – functions of the State; instructing the Treasury Department as regards timely execution of payments related to domestic debt or guarantees; developing public debt management policy and strategy, taking into account the related risks and the costs; monitoring the target performance in relation to the portfolio strategy and risk management; as well as other tasks and duties related to public debt management.
Contact persons:
Assistant Head of the Public Debt Management Sector
Sanja Manasijevic Manceva
phone: 02/3255-430
Assistant Head of the Public Debt Management Sector
Renata Davitkova Panceva
phone: 02/3255-426
Head of the Debt Management Department
Miodrag Bogdanovic
phone: 02/3255-427
Head of the Public Debt Management Policy and Risk Analysis Department
Zagorka Jovanovska
phone: 02/3255- 777
Head of the Department for Issuing Consents for Borrowing of Public Debt Holders
Biljana Marković Krušarovska
Phone: 02/3255-423