IT Department performs tasks related to monitoring and processing issues related to the organization and development of the IT system in the field of finance and the IT system of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as proposes measures for their improvement, participates in the preparation and implementation of the laws and other regulations in the field of finance and gives opinions for the normative acts governing the issues of organization and functioning of the IT system, planning the development of the IT system and the computer network within the Ministry and its implementation, coordination of the activities for implementation of the plans and the programs of the other organizational units within the Ministry of Finance.

Contact persons

Head of Department
Daut Hajrullahi
office: ++389 2 3255 321

IT Unit – Application Management
Dina Mladenovska
office: ++389 2 3255 320

IT Unit – IT Infrastructure
Domnika Josifoska-Stankovic
office: ++389 2 3255 328

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