Sector for Budgets and Funds
The primary task of the Sector for Budgets and Funds is the creation of fiscal policy, management of public finances and improvement of the budget process. Within this framework, the main responsibility of the Sector for Budgets and Funds is the preparation of the Draft Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia as a whole and its submission to the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Within the framework of the Sector, other significant tasks are carried out, which relate to:

laws regulating the procedure for preparation, adoption and execution of the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia,
a fiscal strategy for a medium-term period of three years, which proposes the directions and objectives of the fiscal policy and determines the amounts for the main categories of estimated revenues and approved funds,
a budget circular, which provides instructions and guidelines for the preparation of budget requests,
a final account of the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia, which presents the realized revenues and incurred expenditures of all accounts of the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia, compared with the projections of revenues and approved expenditures,
opinions, information and reports on programs, decisions and materials related to the Budget and budget policy,
analyses of budget revenues and expenditures and studying the effects of the proposed legal solutions in the area of ​​budget policy,
approval of reallocations and expansions of the budgets of budget users in accordance with the principles of economy and effectiveness,
monitoring and controlling the payment of salaries to budget users,
analysis and information on public investments,
processing and analysis of the revenues and expenditures of local governments, as well as preparation of legal regulations for financing of LSGUs,
monitoring the operation of public enterprises, agencies and trade companies established by the state in terms of the intended use of their financial resources,
collection, recording and publication of data reported by entities on the undertaken, but not due and due, but not paid obligations of the entities (ESPEO),
systematic examination of expenditures and operationalization of high-level savings options, through the implementation of a Cost Review.
Key contacts:
State Advisor on Budget Issues
Anica Ivanoska-Strezovski
phone: 02/3255-519

State Advisor on Budget Issues
Tanja Tripunova
phone: 02/3255-518

Head of Department
Floreta Hasani
phone: 02/3255-405

Head of Budget and Budget Policy Department
Toše Panovski
phone: 02/3255-520

Head of Fund Budgets Department
Aleksandra Altievska Anđelić
phone: 02/3255-548

Head of the Department for Reporting and Recording of Liabilities and Analyses
Festim Alimi
phone: 02/3255-526

Head of the Department for Program Budgeting
Lidija Gjozinska
phone: 02/3255-763

Head of the Department for Promoting Medium-Term Budgeting
Keti Ilievska
phone: 02/3255-527

Head of the Department for Budgets of Local Self-Government Units
Radmila Sandeva-Krstova
phone: 02/3255-536

Head of Department for Public Enterprises and Agencies
Vesna Krpacovska
Phone: 02/3255-550

Head of Department for Control of Payment of Salaries to Budget Users
Isak Sinani
Phone: 02/3255-554

Head of Department for Review of Expenditures
Olivera Markovska Ivanovski
Phone: 02/ 3255 -522
E-mail: oliverа.mаrkoskа@finа

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