IPA Funds Management Department carries out the activities related to: financial management of Pre-Accession Assistance of the European Union for the Republic of North Macedonia, opening and management of bank accounts, requesting funds from the European Commission, approval of funds received from the European Commission to be transferred to the Operating Structures, financial reporting to the European Commission, matters directly related to the National Authorising Officer (NAO) as regards the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions and ensuring effective functioning of management and control systems as regards the usage of EU funds, as well as other matters related to the operations of the National Authorising Officer (NAO).

In line with the IPA Implementing Regulation, National Authorising Officer (NAO) appointed by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia is responsible for the financial management of IPA assistance and for ensuring the legality and regularity of expenditures.

The management structure composed of the National Fund Unit and NAO Support Unit provide support in performing the functions of the NAO.

The IPA funds Management Department within the Ministry of Finance performs the function of the management structure.

Contact persons:

National Authorising Officer (NAO)
Suzana Peneva
telephone: 02/3255-373
e-mail: suzana.stoimceva@finance.gov.mk

Head of Department
Aleksandra Simjanoska
e-mail: aleksandra.simjanoska@finance.gov.mk

National Fund Unit
Aleksandra Nakovska
telephone: 02/3255-303

NAO Support Unit
Vlado Karamanolevski
telephone: 02/3255-309
e-mail: vlado.karamanolevski@finance.gov.mk

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