18th September 2020, Skopje – Introducing state guarantee scheme, tax calendar, e-invoice, are just few of the requests which the Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, during the meeting at the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, promised the businessmen to be met in the coming period.

The businessmen asked for easier access to capital, especially now amid global economic crisis, when such access is limited. Minister of Finance Besimi underlined that access to capital would be significantly improved through the state guarantee scheme, hence the state, with EUR 10 million guarantee, would facilitate the access of companies to loans from the commercial banks. As he announced, this project is to be launched by the end of this year.

As regards the tax regulations, the business community asked for greater predictability by introducing a tax calendar, providing for the amendments to the tax regulations introduced by the state to be available much in advance. Minister of Finance pointed out the acceptability of such request, committing himself to greater tax predictability in his four-year term of office. He also said that, amid crisis, sometimes rapid actions are needed, which would of course be in the interest of the businessmen.

As regards the parafiscal charges, he announced their reduction by 75% in the coming four years.

Regarding the e-invoice, it was pointed out that working meeting were held in the Ministry of Finance as for the possibility for its implementation in practice. Relevant laws will be screened and draft rulebook will be prepared pertaining to the e-communication, submission, transmission and receipt of the e-invoice.

As regards the parafiscal charges, he announced their reduction by 75% in the coming four years.

Regarding the e-invoice, it was pointed out that working meeting were held in the Ministry of Finance as for the possibility for its implementation in practice. Relevant laws will be screened and draft rulebook will be prepared pertaining to the e-communication, submission, transmission and receipt of the e-invoice.

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