
16th September 2022, Skopje – Digitalization of the Customs Administration is of great importance for facilitating trade and providing better services to the economic operators. With the start of the screening process, digitalization of the Customs Administration will be of exceptional significance for a positive report in the area of customs-related ​​policies, as well as grounds for the functioning of the single market, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, pointed out at the event titled “Digitalization of Customs Administration to the end of Improving the Services to Economic Operators and More Efficient Controls”, organized by the Customs Administration. Representatives of more than fifty companies, as well as representatives of the Chambers of Commerce, attended the event.

“Digitalization provides for strengthened efficiency and improved revenue collection, at the same time eradicating informal economy”. These are the key factors to a successful market economy”, Besimi pointed out.

Digitalization of the Customs Administration, by improving and upgrading the systems, Besimi emphasized, will provide for automatic release of goods in free circulation in just one hour, new electronic services, electronic submission of applications and issuance of customs authorizations, new service for electronic payment of fees and new system for checking road transport permits.

Minister Besimi also pointed out the importance of the Twinning Project “Improving Revenue Collection, Tax and Customs Policy”, which CA implements together with MoF and PRO. Successful implementation of this, as well as other, projects of the CA is of exceptional importance for highlighting the performance of this institution.

“Reforms in the Customs Administration are also included in the PFM Program, which envisages further strengthening of CA’s procedures and services, combat against customs fraud, as well as accelerating and facilitating the trade by introducing the concept of authorized economic operator. All this provides for undisrupted flow of goods and services in the region for the holders of authorized economic operator license”, Besimi underlined.

Before the business community, Director of the Customs Administration, Kutirov, pointed out that digital transformation of CA is ensured through several projects and activities in all areas, with funds therefore being provided, as well as teams that work and will work on respective projects and activities being defined.

“The projects cover development of several new ICT systems, divided mainly into two areas. The first one includes systems that will ensure improved services for the economic operators, streamlined customs procedures, which are part of the EU’s Multi-Annual Strategic Plan: New Computerized Transit System (NCTS 5), new National Single Window System, Economic Operator Registration and Identification System and Automated Customs Terminals Management System. The second covers systems that will ensure more efficient controls, more efficient revenue collection, and hence reduction of informal economy – introduction of a new Video Surveillance and Automatic Number Plate Recognition Systems, new Control and Investigations Management System and Tobacco Track&Trace System, Director Kutirov underlined.

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