
26th October 2022, Brussels – Republic of North Macedonia keeps undertaking reforms, leading to EU integration, currently gaining momentum by launching the negotiation process. Priorities under the Economic Reform Program are set together with the EC.

Reforms set as priorities under the 2022-2024 Economic Reform Program were topics of discussion at the meeting between Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi and European Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, taking place in Brussels.

Key areas identified therein, pertain to improved quality of the educational system, boosted competitiveness of domestic companies, and their inclusion in the global value chains, formalization of the informal economy and green transition. Areas identified under ERP coincides with those noted in the EC Progress Report as well, all to the end of providing inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the medium term.

Economic Reform Program contains macroeconomic and fiscal policies and indicators, structural reforms and measures aimed at boosting the country’s competitiveness and reducing unemployment. It is prepared every year, under which, the economic policies are harmonized with the EU ones as part of the pre-accession process.

Minister underlined that despite all challenges, 2022 will be remembered as the year of achieving another milestone as regards our EU accession process. Adoption of the Negotiating Framework, holding the first Intergovernmental Conference and launching of the screening, pave the way for the upcoming phases thereof. Under that process, Ministry of Finance is the leading institution as regards 8 chapters, included in 4 clusters, out of a total of 6 clusters.

Topics discussed also covered the impact of the energy and price crisis on domestic economy and the measures the country undertakes, aimed at protecting the living standard of the population, as well as the economy.

Thereby, Minister Besimi stressed the significance of the support aimed for implementing these policies, extended via the EC macro-financial assistance, an instrument for macro-financial support pertaining to measures aimed at coping with the external shocks, which our country used during the COVID-19 crisis.

European Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni also emphasized the support and the commitment to extending the activities so as to approve the MFA instrument, as a result of the successful policies the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia pursues.

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