
1st April 2022, Skopje – United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a significant partner in the past 30 years in attaining its strategic goals and standards for NATO membership and EU accession. This was concluded at the meeting held among Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi and USAID North Macedonia Country Representative Erik Janowsky, which term of office ends in the second half of April 2022.

Minister Besimi expressed his gratitude about the so-far cooperation and the support to our country, extended by USAID, as well as Janowsky, thereby wishing him success in his further career. Minister pointed out that this support is of great significance for the Republic of North Macedonia, looking forward to its continuing in future.

Cooperation between the two countries is defined via the 2020-2025 Country Development Cooperation Strategy, envisaging support worth US$ 56.6 million, by which USAID assists our country in playing a leading role in achieving its development, as the newest and 30th NATO Member State, as well as in launching the EU accession talks. Under the Strategy, last year, grant agreements were signed, under which US$ 11.8 million was awarded, being geared towards boosting the economic competitiveness and combatting corruption.

Ministry of Finance and USAID are also working together on enhancing both the municipal capacities and the fiscal decentralization. In this respect, activities have been envisaged via the 5-year Project “Strengthening Resource Mobilization Activity”, in the total amount of US$ 6.5 million. In addition, Minister Besimi is planned to attend the Conference organized within USAID Project, covering the topic “New Partners and Improved Municipal Budgeting”, which is to be held on 6th April.

In fact, so far, USAID, has invested over US$ 833 million in development objectives.

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