
13th June 2023, Skopje – Government strives for increasing all wages in the country, all to the end of increasing the living standard of its citizens. Continuous wage growth in the public and the private sector, despite the few overlapping global economic crises in the past three years, speaks in favour thereof.

As regards the request for increasing the wages by some of the tax officials, I would like to hereby stress the Government’s attempts to put a wage growth system in place, covering the entire public sector. Activities have already been undertaken for creating a wage system for all public sector employees via the Economic and Social Council along with the social partners. New Law on Wages of Public Sector Employees and a new General Collective Agreement, pertaining to the public sector, are under preparation, which will provide for continuous wage growth in future. Against a background when such a systemic solution is expected to be put in place, already undergoing discussions in the Economic and Social Council, each individual solution, before finalizing these two acts, will only hamper the creation of this system, and hence the accomplishment of the ultimate goal thereof. Government aims for coming up with an equalized systemic solution, which will be fiscally sustainable in the long run, while adequately valorizing the worker’s labour. We expect for the negotiations in the Economic and Social Council to continue, so as to mutually reach a sustainable solution acceptable for all concerned parties.

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