From today, Macedonian citizens can purchase courtyard land in their houses and residential buildings at the price of EUR 1 or Denar 61 per square meter, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said.


So far, courtyard square meter was EUR 13 or Denar 800.


– In the municipalities of Centar, Kapos, Aerodrom, Kisela Voda or Cair, around EUR 5,500 to EUR 6,000 is to be paid for a courtyard occupying 500 square meters. By reducing the price, the citizens are to pay only EUR 500 for the same courtyard size or by EUR 5,000 to EUR 6,000 less, i.e. by 10 to 12 times less, Gruevski said at the press conference.


According to him, in Gevgelija, Kicevo, Ohrid, Tetovo, Gostivar, Bitola and Kumanovo, so far, around EUR 4,000 was to be paid for a courtyard occupying 500 square meters. From now on, only EUR 500 will have to be paid or EUR 3,500 less, and similar calculations apply for all other cities in Macedonia.


Gruevski said that EUR 1 per square meter will also be paid for land to be sold under or around existing sports and recreation facilities (sports playgrounds, fields/courts, sports halls, …), infrastructure capacities (roads, electric and thermal power plants, water supply,public institution facilities.


– Advantages and benefits of this recent government measure are obvious. Hundreds of thousands of Macedonian citizens will secure the ownership of their courtyards once and for all. This is righteous social process in which the citizens will finally feel the benefits of the transitions, of the shift to private ownership and establishment of market economy, historic process of land privatization will be accelerated and completed, thus the citizens will finally acquire ownership over the land underneath their houses and in the courtyards, they can use it when applying for credit at banks, during sale, …., construction activities will intensify, as well as the construction of and annexes to houses and other residential facilities, and annexes to residential buildings, infrastructure capacities and sports facilities, Prime Minister pointed out.


According to the Government decision, tenants will proportionally purchase the courtyard land of the building, this providing the possibility for annexes to the buildings.(MIA)

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