Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA

IPA and NPAA Unit
The IPA and NPAA Unit performs the activities related to: coordination of the activities related to technical implementation, monitoring and reporting on IPA projects from the National IPA TAIB programs that are managed through the decentralized IPA management system (IPA – DIS) and other matters related to the functioning of IPA – DIS, based on the signed Operational Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Program Authorization Officer (PAO) and the “NAO Guidelines for efficient implementation of DIS”; coordination of the activities related to the programming of IPA funds and the management of IPA projects for the sub-sector of public financial management. Additionally, the Unit prepares, monitors and reports on the implementation of the Public Financial Management Reform Programme/ annual action plans and other strategic documents related to the use of IPA funds for the sub-sector for public financial management; provides administrative technical support in the functioning of the Sector Working Group for Public Financial Management and the Public Financial Management Council; coordinates the preparation and monitors the implementation of the measures and activities of the National Program for the Adoption of the EU Acquis (NPAA) and other activities related to the European integration process which are under the competence of the Ministry of Finance.

Projects of the Ministry of Finance financed under the IPA TAIB component (IPA 1) IPA TAIB 2009 Within the National Program for IPA component 1 – TAIB for 2009, the Ministry of Finance participates as a beneficiary in the following projects:

  • „Project for strengthening the capacities of the Ministry of Finance – Macroeconomic Policy Department, for macroeconomic analysis and policy formulation, in order to improve the policy-making process and meet the criteria for EU accession.” In support of this twinning project, technical assistance was provided through the “Project for installation and adjustment of application for macroeconomic analysis”.
  • „Project for support to the Competent Accrediting Officer/ National Authorizing Officer for the pre accreditation review Phase for National Accreditation of the Measure 501-Technical Measure under the IPARD Programme”.
  • „Project for support to NAO/NF for strengthening the supervision role over the management and control system of the Operating Structures for different IPA Components”.
  • „Project for supply of office furniture for the Ministry of Finance and Secretariat for European Affairs” in order to strengthen the technical capacities of these two institutions.

Within the National Program for IPA Component 1 – TAIB for 2010, the Ministry of Finance participates as a beneficiary in the following project:

  • „Project for Further Harmonisation with EU acquis in field of Movement of Capital and Payments and Financial Services – Securities markets and Investment services”.

Within the National Program for IPA component 1 – TAIB for 2011, the Ministry of Finance participates as a beneficiary of the following projects:

  • „Project for strengthening the medium term budgeting for effective public financial management”.
  • „Project for developing proposals for implementation of contemporary integrated information system for public finance management.
  • „Project for strengthening the quality assurance and cost verification functions of the CFCD in the Ministry of Finance as the Contracting Authority for Programs funded through IPA Components 1, 3 and 4″.


Within the National Program for IPA Component 1 – TAIB for 2012, the Ministry of Finance participates as a beneficiary in the following projects:

  • „Project for Further support for efficient prevention and fight against fraud and irregularities of EU funds“.
  • „Project for Further harmonization of the tax legislation with EU acquis“.
  • „Project for Further Harmonization with the EU in the field of insurance and increase of market operations“.
  • „Implementation of Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Assessment (PEFA) 2015“.
  • „Supply of various equipment, office furniture and vehicles to the relevant authorities for management and audit of EU funds.

Projects of the Ministry of Finance financed by IPA 2018 (IPA 2)
The projects of the Ministry of Finance from the IPA 2018 for the sub-sector public financial management are implemented through the system of direct management of IPA funds by the EU Delegation. The Ministry of Finance participates as a beneficiary in the following projects:

Twinning project „Strengthening budget planning, execution and internal control functions“. For more information about the project, visit the following link

Twinning project „Improving Revenue Collection and Tax and Customs Policy“. For more information about the project, visit the following link

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