Skopje, 13th November 2014 (MIA) – Corridor 8 is one of the strategic priorities in the transport infrastructure for the next medium-term period and in this respect, we plan to invest significant amount of funds, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said today, answering journalist’s questions.   

According to Stavreski, yesterday’s announcement of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development that EUR 145 million was approved for the second phase of the railroad tracks to Bulgaria, from Beljkaovce to Kriva Palanka, confirms that funds for the railroad tracks were provided and thus, the realization of the railroad tracks will continue to be smooth.

–  This will be the main alternative for transport as regards the existing Corridor 10. We expect for construction of the road from Kicevo to Ohrid and Struga and the eastern motorway from Skopje to Stip, to be also intensified, by which Corridor 8 and the legs of Corridor 8, as a whole, will be in the focus of the Government in the next three-four years and there will be significant investments therein, Stavreski said, at the signing of the Agreement for the Corridor X Tolling System Project.

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