Strumica, 11th September 2015 (MIA) – By 15th September, the damages caused from the floods in Strumica Municipality will be compensated, and such compensation will continue in the other municipalities as well, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski said.

During his visit to Vasilevo Municipality, Stavreski said that the given promise about compensating the damages caused from the floods will be fulfilled by Wednesday next week.

Damages caused from the floods are continuously compensated in all municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia, being hit by the floods. As Prime Minister announced during his visit to Strumica Municipality, the damages from the floods in Strumica Municipality will be compensated by Wednesday next week, as we promised. It is a matter of more than 400 payment orders, 400 families, while the funds amount to Denar 33 milllion. The Agency and the commissions finalize their activities and they will submit the payment orders on Monday, after which we will launch the damage compensation. Thus, as of next week inclusive, the citizens will be fully paid and compensated, Stavreski said when asked.

According to him, compensation of the damages caused from the floods will also continue in the other municipalities across the country.

The citizens from this, as well as from all other municipalities, who have not received the funds yet, should expect to be soon compensated, Stavreski said.

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