Skopje, 27th September 2015 (MIA) – Starting 5th October, each pensioner in the Republic of Macedonia will be paid September pension increased by Denar 621. Social and permanent financial assistance are envisaged to be increased by additional 5% starting next year.

Total of 335,000 citizens will benefit from this increase, out of which 300,000 pensioners, 30,000 beneficiaries of social financial assistance and 5,000 beneficiaries of permanent financial assistance. Increase of pensions and social assistance is fully budgeted for 2016. Funds therefore are allocated and they will be paid on time.

This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, and Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Dime Spasov, on the press conference held on Friday.

Deputy Prime Minister Stavreski underlined that the pension increase would continue next year as well. – In addition, in October 2016, each pensioner in the Republic of Macedonia will be paid pension increased by Denar 650. Funds therefore are allocated in the Budget, Stavreski said.

He pointed out that the most vulnerable categories of citizens, like the ones who are beneficiaries of social and permanent financial assistance, the elderly people and those not being financially provided for, would continue to be taken care of.

– This year, these people are being paid 10% increase of the financial assistance they are provided from the Budget. Additional five percentage increase of the social and permanent financial assistance is envisaged in the Budget for the next year as well. Starting June 2016, increased financial assistance will be paid to all beneficiaries of social and permanent financial assistance, Stavreski said.

Deputy Prime Minister went on saying that the Budget was in a good condition, with favorable revenue performance and expenditure execution, as well as that all envisaged measures and policies were realized in line with the envisaged dynamics.

Minister Spasov stated that the Government, at its last session, adopted the modifications and the amendments to the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance and the Law on Social Protection.

– Pensions have increased by 5% this year, i.e. September pension will be increased by 5%. So far, increase of average pension from 2006 as of October this year inclusive accounts for 70.3%. As Spasov said, pensions will amount to Denar 13,085 in October, compared to Denar 7,683, as they amounted in 2006.

He also said that social and permanent financial assistance were increased by 10% in July 2015. Hence, he went on, social financial assistance increased by 61.8% in total in the period from 2006 to 2015, while permanent financial assistance surged by 60.5% in the period from 2006 to 2015, which was a significant increase.

– Funds are already allocated and we will continue increasing both the social and the permanent financial assistance by additional 5% in July 2016. As regards the increase of the social assistance, 28 million 200 thousand denar is allocated in the 2016 Budget therefore. With respect to the permanent financial assistance, 8 million 700 thousand denars is allocated, Spasov said.

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