The Government, through the Ministry of Finance, will approve as many employments with the State Election Commission as necessary and will also provide financial assistance in all segments of SEC’s operations so as to help it complete all the activities pertaining to organizing the parliamentary elections on 24th April.

This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, this afternoon, following the working meeting between the Ministry of Finance and the State Election Commission, at which all aspects the Government and the Ministry of Finance could provide help for, so as for efficient operations of SEC, were considered.

– All personnel-related issues and needs of SEC were discussed and it has been concluded that both the Government and the Ministry of Finance will approve all employments necessary. And not only the number of employments requested by SEC, but even two-times and three-times the employments necessary, as we have actually promised Commissioner Hahn, all to the end for SEC to timely complete the preparatory activities for the revision of the electoral register, as well as all other activities within their competence, Stavreski said.

He also underlined that consent has been given for 11 employments, while in the coming period, as he said, they will wait for SEC to complete the analyses for the precise number of necessary personnel.

– Thus, funds for employment of additional 20, 25, 30 persons, as many people as SEC needs, will be approved. In addition to the new employments, we have also discussed the other needs of SEC. They refer to providing premises for SEC regional offices, as well as vehicles. We have presented our determination to help, as a Government, through the state institutions, i.e. the regional offices of the state institutions, as well as through the municipalities, and to provide premises and vehicles necessary for on-the-field work and checks, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance said.

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