2nd December 2019, Skopje – Total of 3,852 monetary awards, the total funds of which is half million euros, will be allocated as of 15th December, by scanning the fiscal receipts through MyVAT application. Prize Game MyVAT#MyPrize will last for one year, during which period, two prizes in the amount of EUR 50,000 will be awarded, 15 prizes amounting to Denar 100,000 each will be awarded on monthly basis, while 10 prizes of Denar 3,000 each will be awarded on daily basis.

Daily prizes will be drawn by electronic generator, and every winner will get the message about the obtained amount on the MyVAT application. In case there is no prize, the application will include educational message, in the light of the financial education. There will be public draws for the monthly awards amounting to Denar 100,000 and the prizes of EUR 50,000.

The goal of MyVAT#MyPrize, as Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska said at yesterday’s press conference, is to reinforce MYVAT measure, yielding excellent results in eradicating the grey economy. She underlined that MyVAT#MyPrize should motivate people to scan even the fiscal receipts with lower VAT amounts, not being previously scanned, as well as to urge them to continue scanning the fiscal receipts after exceeding the monthly VAT refund threshold.

Angelovska said that when designing #MyPrize, the best practice from other countries and reports of the European Commission, were taken into consideration. She stressed that in addition to eradicating the grey economy, the prize game will also provide for financial education of citizens and increasing the tax morale via educational messages.

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