29th September 2020, Skopje – Minister of Finance Fatmir Besimi met the Ambassador of France to North Macedonia, Christian Thimonier. Discussions held at the meeting referred to the economic recovery plan of Macedonian Government for dealing with the crisis and the Agreement between the two Governments, regarding the establishment and the activities of the French Development Agency, the conclusion of which is expected to provide for intensifying the cooperation.

Minister Besimi informed Ambassador Thimonier about the economic recovery plan for coping with the health and the economic crisis, thereby underlining that the timely adoption of measures, their rapid implementation, as well as ensuring that the assistance will be properly targeted, would be of key importance amid these conditions.

“Under the new set of measures, additional liquidity will be injected in the economy. The measures are based on three pillars, the first one covering the social and the health aspect, the second one focusing on the economy and the employment all to the end of maintaining liquidity, and the third one aiming at maintenance of macroeconomic and fiscal stability. Some of the measures yielding good results, have been extended, however, they have been redesigned in order to increase their efficiency“ – Besimi said.

What the Ambassador Thimonier pointed out at the meeting was that the French Government, upon initiative of the UN, was interested in financing projects in the field of green economy, which would include FAR and GIZ (German Corporation for International Cooperation).

Minister Besimi wished Ambassador Thimonier success in his future career, thereby expressing enormous gratitude for his engagement as Ambassador to our country, as well as for his personal commitment to all activities he took part in.

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