
15th August 2022, Skopje – Ministry of Finance continues the series of meetings under the public debate on the tax reform concept. Today, at the Ministry of Finance premises, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, presented the respective concept to the representatives of the NGO sector, the consulting and the auditing companies, as well as other organizations. PRO Director Sanja Lukarevska and Customs Administration Director General Slavica Kutirov, as well as PRO Deputy Director Abdul-Selam Selami and Customs Administration Deputy Director General Muarem Asani, also attended the meeting.

During the meeting, the Minister pointed out, as at the prior meetings held under the public debate, that it is a matter of a draft tax reform concept to be defined once the public debate is over, with the concept being presented to all stakeholders in the society.

“It is crucial for the tax reform to be sustainable. It is not a solution to be viewed as a need to collect more funds in the Budget, but it is rather a reform to attain sustainable economic growth. For this very reason it follows the adoption of the new Organic Budget Law, which defines the fiscal rules on the manner of public spending”, Minister Besimi said, adding that the need to implement such a reform also arises from the fact that the share of revenues on the basis of taxes and contributions in the GDP in the country is the lowest in relation to the EU countries.

“As I have already indicated at the meetings held, I would like to reiterate as well today that there are no final solutions, no tax increases. Tax reform concept refers to increasing the scope of taxable revenues by reassessing the preferential treatment of certain categories of sources of revenues, investments and categories of business entities, as well as by including more taxpayers in the tax system by reducing the informal economy”, the Minister emphasized.

This is an inclusive and transparent process. Meetings with experts, MASA representatives and similar, to be held in the coming period are aimed thereto. Each and everyone has the possibility to contribute with a constructive proposal or opinion by sending a message to the Ministry of Finance at a specially created link on the Ministry’s website.

Public debate about the tax reform concept commenced at the beginning of this month and it will last by mid-September, when draft legal solutions are expected. The reform will be implemented gradually in the period 2023-2025.

Tax reform concept is based upon the five priorities defined in the Tax System Reform Strategy (2021-2025): greater fairness as regards taxation; greater efficiency and effectiveness of the tax system to the end of improved revenue collection; increased tax transparency; better quality of services, and affirmation of an environmentally-friendly tax policy.

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