
22nd August 2022, Skopje – Today, the experts were part of the series of meetings organized by Ministry of Finance within tax reform public debate. Tax reform concept, being prepared in the past period, which should be gradually implemented in the period 2023-2025 was presented by Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi to the experts, the deans, the rectors and professors from the universities across our country. He stressed that transparency and inclusiveness are crucial in this process, which should provide for creating fair, just, efficient and contemporary tax system, thus contributing to economic development.

“As for the so-far debate process, tax reform concept has been presented to the business community, the NGOs, the business associations, the consulting companies and others, providing constructive suggestions and making positive contribution thereto. We resume this debate with you today, as experts, whose involvement is very significant, given your knowledge and experience. All arguments are welcomed, the ultimate goal of which is to define solutions together, since they are matter of concern for all stakeholders in the society”, Minister said at the meeting.

He stressed that this process is part of SMART finance concept, under which the expenditure-related rules were previously set. Organic Budget Law stipulates rules and sets up mechanisms for controlling the spending of money collected in the Budget. “It is a mutually connected system, by which the efficiency of both the revenues and the expenditures is improved, since the citizens demand responsibility in spending the money collected in the Budget through the identified tax policy,” the Minister pointed out.

In parallel to these processes, activities are being undertaken to enhance the institutions’ capacities for more efficient revenue collection and reduction of the informal economy. This will provide for strengthening the justice and the fairness of the tax system, since these aspects should not be viewed only from the principle as per which those earning more should pay more, but the justice should be rather seen in the fact those not being part of the system so far, should be incorporated therein, thus, bearing their fair share of the tax burden. Further digitalization of the processes in the tax and customs administration will also play key role therein, since the implementation dynamics is already set, so they can be carried out together with the tax reform. Thus, the Public Revenue Office is setting the stage for implementing e-fiscalization and e-invoicing, and activities are undertaken by the Customs Administration as well.

During this, as well as in the course of the previous meetings, plenty of deliberations were presented as regards the tax reform concept, which will be taken into account when creating the final solutions. In addition, stakeholders can submit their opinions and suggestions electronically through the website of the Ministry of Finance, as well as on the e-mail: Public debate is to also continue in the coming period, whereby meetings will also be held with the other stakeholders in the society.

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