Harmonization with the EU acquis

National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis Communautaire i.e. NPAA is national framework or plan for meeting the conditions, i.e. criteria for membership (Copenhagen Criteria) of the Republic of North Macedonia in EU. The whole process of preparation and monitoring of the Program is performed by the Secretariat for European Affairs.

Programme is key instrument for conducting the process of accession of the Republic of North Macedonia to the European Union, being basis for monitoring the progress of the Republic of North Macedonia in the EU accession process.

The Programme has format of medium-term plan of activities necessary for meeting the criteria for membership of the Republic of North Macedonia.

NPAA includes narrative part and Annexes overview tables, being a clear picture for the reforms and the activities for EU acquis harmonization to be undertaken in the next years, for building and strengthening the administrative structures necessary for the acuqis implementation, as well as the necessary budget resources.

Special working group is established for every chapter of NPAA, being in charge of preparation of the measures and activities for harmonization with the EU acquis, envisaged under the specific chapter. Ministry of Finance is holder of the following NPAA Chapters:

3.04. Free Capital Movement

3.05. Public Procurement

3.09. Financial Services

3.16 Taxes

3.17. Economic and Monetary Union

3.22. Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments

3.29. Customs Union

3.32. Financial Control

3.33. Financial and Budget Provisions

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