Twinning Grant Contract Number: MK18 IPA FI 01 19

“Strengthening Budget Planning, Execution and Internal Control Functions”


Basic Information:

Twinning Grant Contract Number


MK18 IPA FI 01 19
Project Title:


“Strengthening Budget Planning, Execution and Internal Control Functions”
Twinning Partners (Member State(s) and Beneficiary)


Member State partners: The Ministry of Finance, National Academy of Finance and Economy – The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ministry of Finance of Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Finance of Republic of Bulgaria, Ministry of Finance of Republic of Latvia

Beneficiary country partner: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of North Macedonia

Public Procurement Bureau

State Appeal Commission on Public Procurement




54 months (01.02.2020-31.07.2024)
Value: 3.700.000,00 EUR

This project is financed by the European Union through the IPA Programme 2018

Brief description:

The overall objective of this project is to further improve efficiency and effectiveness of public spending through implementation of the Public Finance Management (PFM) Reform Programme.

The specific objective of the project is to further strengthen the PFM system through:

– Improved budget system based on the new Organic Budget Law (OBL) yet to be adopted, by drafting by laws, guideline/manual/instructions and methodological tools for treasury operations, public debt and macroeconomic issues and strengthening the capacities of Ministry of Finance (MoF) and budget users;

– Further development of the Public Internal Financial Control (PIFC) system through implementation of new legislation and new PIFC Policy Paper, elaboration of methodological tools in financial management and control (FMC) and internal audit (IA), building up capacities of budget users on central and local level to manage efficiently public funds and enhancing the co-ordination and supervision role of the Central Harmonisation Unit (CHU), Ministry of Finance, enhancing the capacities of budget users in fight against fraud and corruption;

– Further alignment of Macedonian public procurement legislation and practice with the Union acquis in order to improve efficiency and transparency of procurement operations;

– Ensuring the effective and efficient protection of EU and national financial interests through improvement of the legal, institutional and operational framework in the prevention, detection and fight against irregularities and fraud.


According to the specific objectives, 4 components of the project have been identified.


Experts from the Netherlands, Croatia, Bulgaria and Latvia together with experts from other EU member states will collaborate with the experts of the Ministry of Finance, the Pubic Procurement Bureau, the State Appeals Commission on Public Procurement and other relevant institutions on a number of activities planned under the project timeframe.

For any additional information:

Resident Twinning Advisor, Mr. Rodney Betorina

RTA Assistant, Mrs. Irena Pehcevski

RTA Language Assistant, Mrs. Ivana Lekikj



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