National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis (NPAA) is the key instrument for conducting the process of accession of the Republic of Macedonia to the European Union, being basis for monitoring the progress of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU accession process.
Within NPAA, Ministry of Finance is in charge of nine chapters: 3.04. Free movement of the capital, 3.05. Public procurement, 3.09. Financial services, 3.16. Taxation, 3.17. Economic and Monetary Union, 3.22. Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments, 3.29. Customs Union, 3.32. Financial control and 3.33. Financial and budgetary provisions.
Main competences of Unit for NPAA and Negotiations are the following: Monitoring the level of realization of NPAA measures and activities, being under the competence of the Ministry of Finance, coordination of activities related to preparation of documents regarding the European integration process and coordination of the realization of other activities for harmonization with EU structures and standards.
As regards the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), Ministry of Finance is the beneficiary of projects, within the first IPA Component – Transition Assistance and Institution Building. IPA Unit was established within the Ministry of Finance, EU Harmonization and International Finance Department, responsible for coordination of activities related to preparation, technical implementation, as well as monitoring the implementation dynamics of the projects of the Ministry of Finance, financed under IPA Component 1