9th July 2019, Skopje – All construction works have been completed, being financed through IPA grant for rural infrastructure, within the Municipal Services Improvement Project – MSIP, implemented by Ministry of Finance. It is a matter of 133 capital projects realized in 78 municipalities in the country, aimed at improving the quality of life in the rural areas and resolving infrastructure issues.

Total value of these projects amount to EUR 16.9 million, EUR 12.7 million out of which are EU grants, while EUR 4.2 million are budget funds.

Majority of the realized projects are construction and reconstruction of local roads, for which EUR 12.4 million has been invested in 58 municipalities. EUR 5.9 million has been invested in constructing public facilities, EUR 3.8 million has been intended for the utility infrastructure, etc.

Most of these projects are already implemented, while some of them will be soon implemented.  For instance, today, new local road and two reconstructed streets will be officially commissioned in Petrovec Municipality, amounting to EUR 260,000.  

However, grants for development of rural infrastructure have been provided from the European Union upon request by the Government, being engaged through the Municipal Services Improvement Project implemented by the Ministry of Finance with World Bank support.


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