
25th March 2021, Skopje – The Budget is liquid, all liquidity budgetary needs are serviced, the pensions are paid even ahead of time, while revenue collection since the beginning of 2021 by 22nd March inclusive surged by 3.3% in relation to the pre-crisis period last year, Deputy Minister of Finance, Dimitar Kovachevski, pointed out in his interview for Sitel TV News.

Total revenue collection picked up by 3.3% compared to the same period last year, as a result, above all, of the higher tax revenues by 4.3% compared to last year, resulting from increased VAT and CIT revenues by 9.8% and 3.2% respectively, with import duties surging by 4.4%. Revenues generated on the basis of collected contributions also increased by 3.3% in relation to the same period in 2020, Deputy Minister of Finance said, adding that expenditures were executed on regular basis and in a timely manner, some of them even ahead of time, such as the pensions, which, under Government decision, will be paid on 29th March.

He also said that the deficit is in line with the projected dynamics, as per the 2021 Budget.

– For the time being, Budget execution is in line with the projections of the Ministry of Finance and, at present, we believe that the projected rate of economic growth of 4.1% will be attained, thus we attentively monitor the developments on daily basis and, should the health crisis protract, corrective measures will be surely put in place, Kovachevski said.

He went on by saying that the Fiscal Counter provides everyone with the possibility to monitor, on daily basis, revenue and expenditure performance, capital expenditures execution and the public debt stock, which speaks of the high level of transparency, like in very few countries globally, on one hand, providing enough information and confidence of the citizens and the companies in public finance management on the other.

Kovachevski underlined that funds for the fifth set of measures are already allocated in the 2021 Budget. He pointed out that the wage financial support measure has contributed to keeping more than 100,000 jobs, funds being already allocated therefore.

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