
21st July 2021, Skopje – Ministry of Finance has commenced the activities related to implementation of the joint conclusions of the Economic and Financial Dialogue with the European Union related to the Economic Reform Programme. Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, held a meeting today with the competent ministries, agencies and funds, included in this process, discussing the specific activities to be undertaken in the coming period, aimed at the attaining the priorities set under this crucial strategic document in the dialogue with the EC and the EU Member States.

Main recommendations under the dialogue were adopted on 12th July. They are geared towards continued fiscal, economic and social policy response to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and to foster a medium-term recovery.

The assessment of the European Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia showed that the country has the highest result of 61.1% implementation of the joint conclusions adopted in May 2020, compared to the other countries of the Western Balkans.

These conclusions consist of jointly adopted recommendations to help the EU’s enlargement partners boost their economic and social development.

The six conclusions are geared towards continued fiscal, economic and social policy response to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and to foster a medium-term recovery. As regards the macro-fiscal policies, the recommendations pertain to targeted temporary support measures for vulnerable households and businesses, followed by gradual fiscal consolidation, while with respect to the structural reforms, the guidance focuses on further enhancing the business environment, strengthening the vocational education and training system and improving the access of unemployed persons to active labour market policies.

The document is prepared each year, and it is a preparation for participation in the process of economic and fiscal supervision of the EU Member States, to the end of implementing the key reform processes in the country which will intensify the dialogue with the European Union.

As regards the Economic Reform Program 2022 – 2024, preparatory activities have been launched.

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