
20th May 2022, Skopje – On Friday, Formers Ministers of Finance met Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi within Skopje Economic Finance Forum. This meeting is geared towards exploiting their experience and knowledge when designing SEFF program goals.

SEFF is aimed at encouraging all actors to offer solutions, which will properly respond to the challenges we confront, as well as the developments afterwards, with the knowledge of the former Ministers of Finance contributing significantly thereto.

SEFF Platform, conceived as a platform for economic and financial dialogue, was launched by Ministry of Finance, last year. The second Annual Conference covering the topic “Sustaining Growth in Times of Uncertainty and Beyond” will be held within SEFF at the end of this month. Focus will be placed on macroeconomic challenges amid turbulent times, resilience, competitiveness and regional cooperation, energy, green transition and infrastructure, and beyond the crisis: drivers for sustaining growth.

In addition to Nobler Prize Winner Paul Krugman, among the participants attending the Conference, are many renowned economists, high representatives of international financial institutions, Ministers of Finance, Governors, … who will present their views and debate on one of the eight panel discussions at #SEFF2022

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