
25th October 2022, Skopje – Deputy Minister of Finance, Filip Nikoloski takes part in the “Economist” Annual Summit, taking place in Pristina, Republic Kosovo.

This year’s topic of this Summit is “Building Bridges for Peace, Prosperity and Solidarity”, whereby, Deputy Minister of Finance will have his address at the panel-discussion titled “Investing he Western Balkans for a Resilient Growth Model”. Speeches at this panel discussion, will be delivered by Minister of Finance of Republic of Kosovo, Hekuran Murati, EBRD Regional Director for Western Balkans Matteo Colangeli, with the online participation by and Lilyana Pavlova, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, and Xiaoqing Yu, World Bank Country Director for the Western Balkans.

The summit is being held at a crucial time for the region due to the war in Ukraine, the altered safety and energy architecture in Europe, but also the latest movements as regards the European integration process of the Western Balkan countries.

Participants, among which renowned persons form the USA and Europe, including Wess Mitchell, former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Martin Schulz, former President of the European Parliament and current Chairman of FriedrichEbert Foundation, George Papandreou, current President of Socialist International and Co-Chair of the Democratic Alignment and former Prime Minister of Greece, as well as well-respected representatives from the business community.

At the Summit, a dialogue will be maintained and opinions will be shared on dealing with the challenges of the ongoing energy and price crisis.

Last year, Republic of North Macedonia hosted the Annual Summit of the London’s “Economist”, which is a significant event in the region.

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