
25th  February 2023, Skopje – Republic of North Macedonia has marked its 30th anniversary as World Bank Group member. On this day, 30 years ago, the country joined this globally leading financial institution, which helps countries fight poverty and improve the living standard in the developing countries.

Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia, Dimitar Kovachevski, expressed gratitude to the World Bank for its unquestioning support, underlying that cooperation will continue to advance, in particular considering the substantial contribution of this financial institution to reforming and developing the Macedonian economy.

“World Bank has been supporting the development and the advancement of our country for 30 years now. This financial institution contributes considerably to improving the social conditions in North Macedonia. During the last 30 years, investment projects worth close to US$ three billion have been implemented with the help of the World Bank. Our membership, above all the long-standing partnership with the World Bank, has resulted in implementation of major projects in road infrastructure, construction of kindergartens and schools, as well as other projects having direct effect on improving the quality of life of our citizens and the economy. In addition to the support through projects, for us as a country, advisory support for policies, technical assistance and exchange of experience, offered by the World Bank, have been of exceptional importance, contributing significantly to economic and social policy creation, aimed at economic development of the country and improving the living standard”, Prime Minister Kovachevski said.

Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, expressed appreciation to the World Bank for the continuous partnership and the results achieved in the country’s development, expecting for the cooperation to continue in future as well.

“It is more than just a membership, it is 30 years of partnership. World Bank has proven to be exceptionally loyal and dedicated partner, contributing especially to reforming and modernizing all segments of the Macedonian economy, through around 100 investment projects worth close to US$ three billion”, said Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, representing the Republic of North Macedonia in WB Board of Governors.

“Over the past 30 years, the World Bank has been a committed partner to North Macedonia, supporting the country in its efforts to improving the living standard, while boosting human capital and wealth. Looking forward, we will continue to work together in order to make a real difference for all the citizens”, said Massimiliano Paolucci, World Bank Country Manager for North Macedonia and Kosovo.

We have been working with the World Bank on road upgrading and development, trade and transport facilitation in the Wester Balkans, local roads connectivity, agriculture modernization, social services improvement, primary education improvement, public sector energy efficiency improvement, building effective, transparent and accountable public financial management institutions, etc.

Republic of North Macedonia became World Bank member in 1993, and it is part of the Dutch Constituency. World Bank mission in the Republic of North Macedonia focuses on encouraging and supporting job creation, as well as improving the standards of living by implementing and financing projects, advisory services and research aimed at capacity building, human resource development and infrastructure investments.

World Bank assistance to the country is defined and implemented in line with the Country Partnership Framework 2019 -2023. Goals set under the Framework include improving the environment for a competitive private sector, expanding skills and opportunities for the most vulnerable and enhancing sustainability and building resilience to shocks.

Cooperation is implemented through projects in the area of social assistance, health, education, skill improvement, business environment, financial sector development, etc.


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