
21st January 2023, Skopje – Financial regulators, in cooperation with the associations and institutions from the private sector and the civil society active in the field of financial education, marked the 11th edition of the Global Money Week, to be held from 20th to 26th March 2023.

This year’s official theme of GMW2023 Plan your money, plant your future” focuses on sustainability and raising awareness on the implications of individual financial behaviour not only on one’s financial future, but also on the environment and the society. GMW participants can use this theme to develop GMW activities, highlighting the importance of social, economic and financial sustainability considerations in financial decisions. This theme prompts young people to be forward-looking and to have a broad view on the environment and society in their financial decisions.

This year’s GMW activities will mainly take the form of lectures and publishing educational material on the institutions’ websites and the social media. Lectures will be intended for primary and secondary school students in the country, as well as university students, on topics covered by the respective institutions, related to the functioning of the financial system.

Ministry of Finance will join the marking of the Global Money Week this year as well, by presenting educational lectures to university students in the country.

Global Money Week is a global campaign taking place every year since 2012, except for 2020 due to the pandemic, organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This global initiative, with more than 176 countries taking part, 53 million children and young people reached, raises awareness on financial education and enhances their knowledge about money, saving, employment and entrepreneurship. Each year young people talk and discuss, read and learn about the economic and the financial systems through different activities implemented by the financial and the educational institutions.

For more information on Global Money Week, please see:

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