Government will compensate tenants at “Luj Paster” street, whose flats were destroyed by part of the roof construction of former “Jugobanka” building the day before yesterday.
Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski who visited and talked with them toady, said that construction of building, being incomplete for more than a decade is envisaged to be completed.
– We will find way to provide funds for the financial damage and we will cover the costs for the repair paid by the citizens. On the long run, we will also undertake measures for roof renovation. Ministry of Finance will finally renew this building, i.e. it will complete its construction. Tender for completion, reconstruction and adaptation has already been announced and the tender procedure will be completed at the beginning of April. Design process will take additional four to five months. Construction will probably start in September or October, so as for the issue related to safety and completion of this building to be resolved once and for all, said Stavreski following the meeting with the citizens.
Roof construction of the former “Jugobanka” building fell down on the roof of the neighboring building due to strong wind. Damage is estimated at around EUR 4,000. It is considered that around three tones of construction material fell down.
– On 27th February around 10:30 AM, wind caused for part of the roof to fall down on our roof, however, part of it also fell down on the street and in the yard behind the building. At that moment, fortunately there were no passers-by and no one was hurt. We immediately undertook measures to repair the roof. Repair is almost completed, Rade Dimovski, one of the tenants said.
Building at “Luj Paster” street dates from 1956 and there is concrete plate as a roof, rather than usual soft ceiling. This is the third time for the roof of former “Jugobanka” building to fell down on their roof.(MIA)