Skopje, 10th February 2013 (MIA) – Writing off arrears on the basis of pension and disability insurance in order to support liquidity of the business sector and overcome the consequences from the global economic crisis is the objective of the new measures the Government adopted.

– By proposing the measures we will meet the demands of hundreds of Macedonian companies pertaining to arrears on the basis of pension and disability insurance, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, said at the press conference on Sunday.

Two new draft Laws on Pension and Disability Insurance and on Health Insurance provide for the companies to be written off the interest on all arrears on the basis of pension insurance contributions as of 1st January 2009 inclusive, if they pay the principal of the arrears within six months from the day of submitting the application. They also provide for writing off interest on arrears on the basis of different types of contributions incurred in the period from the beginning of 2009 by the end of 2012. If the arrears alone on the basis of contributions are paid within six months, 100% of interest can be written off, while if the arrears are repaid for a period of six to 12 months, only 75% of the interest will be written off. If the arrears are repaid in a period from 12 to 18 months, 50% of the interest will be written off, Minister Stavreski explained.

The third measure, as he underlined, pertains only to health insurance arrears incurred by 2009. In fact, if a company pays current liabilities on the basis of health insurance on regular basis in the coming three years by the end of 2015 inclusive, all outstanding liabilities – arrears alone and interest – will be written off after three years.

Companies can submit applications for writing off arrears after the Laws come into force, while in the meantime, final calculations will be made so as to determine the amount of their arrears. It is estimated that interest on pension insurance arrears accounts for 40% of the arrears.

Оваа вест е достапна и на: Macedonian

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