
20th April 2021, Skopje – Starting today until 30th April, employers and persons performing independent activity can apply for the measure – Wage Financial Support for the months of February and March under the fifth set of measures. The support amounts from Denar 14,500 to Denar 21,776 per employee, in line with the decline of revenues three months in a row following the month which they apply for compared to the same period last year. Particular benefits are envisaged in the fifth set of measures for the respective measure, i.e. converting 50% of the support in grant funds in any case or converting 100% in case of investments in business equipment, Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, and PRO Director, Sanja Lukarevska, pointed out at the press conference held on Tuesday.

Total amount of funds for this measure is Denar 1.9 billion, being allocated in the Budget and covering around 60,000 employees. It is envisaged for the support amount, in line with the companies’ revenue decline, to be as follows: 30% to 40% decline entails up to Denar 14,500 financial support, 40.01% to 50% decline entails up to Denar 15,955, 50.01% to 60% decline entails up to Denar 17,410, 60.01% to 70% decline entails up to Denar 18,865, 70.01% to 80% decline entails up to Denar 20,320 and more than 80% decline entails up to Denar 21,776 financial support.

– All beneficiaries of the wage financial support are envisaged to have 50% of the paid support converted in grant funds in any case. Those investing in business equipment in the course of the year, on the other hand, will have the entire paid support converted into grant funds. This novelty exhibits the development component which was highlighted during the presentation of the fifth set of measures. We, like all the world, see 2021 as a year of revitalization. Recovery should be boosted through measures geared towards encouraging new investments and companies’ development. One more measure under the fifth set of measures, which the companies can apply for, is envisaged in the light of this context. It is the COVID 4 interest-free credit line through the Development Bank, Denar 615 million (EUR 10 million) being allocated therefore. Companies can apply for credits in the amount of EUR 3,000 to EUR 30,000. It is envisaged for part of the interest-free credit for the companies, having increased number of employees or increased revenues, to be converted into grant funds – Minister of Finance, Fatmir Besimi, said.

PRO Director, Lukarevska announced that the application for wage financial support is to be submitted through the e-tax system by the end of the month, while PRO will provide reply within 3 days at the latest following the submission.

– The employer submits MPIN (Monthly Calculation of Integrated Payment) form, together with the application, entering the code 5002 for the employees for which the employer requires financial support, and PRO, following the MPIN processing, informs the employer of the requirement compliance and the total amount of the financial support to be paid for the respective month. Following the data processing, within 5 days from the accepted MPIN form at the latest, PRO informs the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia about the employers having complied with the financial support requirements for the purpose of paying the respective support, Lukarovska said.

She also said that requirements under the Law on Financial Support remain to be same as in the previous Law, i.e. the employer is to report at least 30% decline of revenues, to pay no dividends and performance bonuses, the employee is to receive net wage not exceeding Denar 39,000 in the previous four months, the employers is not to pay net wage higher than Denar 120,000, for the month requesting the financial support, to more than 10% of the total number of employees and is to use no PIT and mandatory social insurance exemption, the employee is not to work additional hours and the employer is to have presented generated accumulated profit before taxation, on cumulative basis, lower than Denar 600,000,00 in the annual accounts and the financial statements for 2017, 2018 and 2019. As regards the month applying for the financial support, the employer is to keep the same number of employees or to have more employees compared to December 2020, except for the employees deregistered pursuant to law. Employers operating in the hospitality industry, i.e. activities related to food preparation and serving and accommodation facilities, as well as those engaged in the transportation, having shut down at least 50% of their revenue generating capacities are not subject to complying with this requirement.

Persons performing independent activity submit financial support application for February and March 2021 through the e-PDD system for each month separately by 30th April 2021 at the latest. Monthly financial support amounts to Denar 17,410.

Natural persons performing independent activity need to register more than 30% revenue decline so as to exercise this right. Financial support is paid within 10 days from the receipt of the application to the transaction account of the natural person performing independent activity, PRO Director Lukarevska said.

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