12th June 2020, Skopje – Around 140,000 jobs were preserved as result of the measure for financial assistance to companies aimed at paying wages – Minister of Finance Nina Angelovska said in her interview on “Оnly the Truth” TV Program.

– This is a really comprehensive measure, being aimed at protecting the jobs and preserving the liquidity of companies, by which they will be able to pay wages. Budget funds amounting to around EUR 100 million were intended for this measure, the precise objective of which was making room for additional needs in accordance with the economic developments. That measure was created under the second set of measures, and our country is currently in a phase of gradual reopening of the economy, for which purpose, we created third set of measures. Each set of measures was adopted for a given timing in accordance with the current conditions and the developments related to the crisis – Minister Angelovska said.

The Government adopted a Decree for extending the measure until the month of June inclusive, i.e. the employers and the persons performing independent activity can take advantage thereof for a period of 3-months instead of the previously planned two months. 

The Minister pointed out that around EUR 30 million was paid to about 20 thousand companies in April, while there were slightly fewer requests in May, speaking in favor of the fact that some companies did not experience 30% decline in their income this month. From May to this day inclusive, EUR 21 million was paid to around 17,500 companies.

– The recovery will not happen overnight, however, we must be aware that the chambers of commerce and the business community need to adapt to the new situation as soon as possible. New business models will emerge, some of the companies will be restructured and therefore, some of the measures under the third set are actually aimed at adapting to the new conditions, as well as introducing new technologies. The measure the Government adopted this week, being under the competence of the Ministry of Economy, includes funds in the amount of EUR 20 million as a direct financial support intended for the business sector, aimed at boosting the competitiveness and the industry, so that they can also be encouraged to invest during this period, thereby being provided with substantial support by the Government, literally as their partner in this process, by co-financing up to 20 percent of the investment project – the Minister said.

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