Skopje, 5th November 2014 (MIA) – More than 3,500 companies from Illinois, among which famous brands and corporations, were given the opportunity to get familiar with the investment conditions in Macedonia by the government team headed by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at the Forum in Chicago.  Some of them already announce their investment plans, among which the Engineering Company “Glenmount Global Solutions”, which will deal with engineering and design and will engage highly skilled labour force.  

Chicago is the third biggest city in the USA with the third biggest gross regional product, being assessed as a city with the most balanced economy, thus being one of the main financial centers and a place, where the high-level technology is developed.

Prime Minister Gruevski pointed out that the Government is strongly committed to enhancing the economy before the present investors.  He stressed that, this year, the economic growth amounted to 4.1% in the first 6 months, being the highest growth in Europe.

– We ended last year by achieving the third highest growth in Europe, and yesterday, the European Commission announced report, by which it indicated that, according to their analyses, Macedonia will end this year by experiencing the second highest growth in Europe, being a good indicator.  In General, Macedonia conducts sound and stable macroeconomic policy.  As for the business climate, I would like to point out that the Government is fully committed to creating sound business climate, being actually our main focus, Prime Minister Gruevski said.

He went on that many reforms and measures were implemented to that end, among which the Regulatory Guillotine Project as well, where thousands of bureaucratic procedures became shorter and cheaper or combination of both, a process being carried out with the Chambers of Commerce and in cooperation with around 300 companies from different sectors.

Prime Minister Gruevski said that there were investments in successful and quality electronic cadastre, that electronic tax payment and one-stop-shop system for the Customs Administration were introduced, as well as many other things creating favourable conditions for doing business in Macedonia. 

CEO of the TIDZ Viktor Mizo pointed out that Chicago and the surrounding of the American State of Illinois are areas where there is biggest concentration of the largest companies worldwide ranked according to Global Fortune 500 and what is important, according to him, is the fact that this Forum was attended by representatives of these companies, being interested in the manner in which they could improve and expand their business in Europe, at the same time also being interested in a particular destination to market their products.

– In addition of what we said, what is also important is the manner in which those present at the Forum reacted to the comments of the existing companies that have already invested in Macedonia and that shared their experience. I would like to especially refer to “Kemet Electronics” and their experience for starting business in Macedonia, as well as how quickly they managed to start the business, which was beyond their expectations.  Hence, I expect for the Forum in Chicago to motivate many companies to visit our country soon, where they would be presented the investment opportunities and the manners for expanding their business at first hand, Mizo said.

Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of Illinois, including the City of Chicago, Laura Ortega talked about the possibilities for cooperation and utilization of the potentials for the purpose of developing the economic relations.

– Chamber of Commerce of the State of Illinois covers 3,500 company members, including brands and large corporations such “Caterpillar”, “John Deere”, “Boeing”, as well as medium- and small-sized companies. In general, our Chamber of Commerce has the biggest concentration of companies belonging to the group of 500 largest companies in the world according to Fortune, having their head offices here in Illinois.  I would like to inform the members of the Chamber of Commerce about many issues, and what I am able to say about yesterday’s Forum is the fact that I am absolutely impressed about Macedonia and the possibilities it offers, as well as its business environment, many companies talk about.  I am impressed and I am eager to convey this information to the companies from the Chamber of Commerce of Illinois so as to establish particular cooperation if possible, Executive Director Laura Ortega said.  

Owner of the  Engineering Company “Glenmount Global Solutions”, David Jancosek expressed its opinion about opening company in Macedonia, indicating that these are the initial plans, which he will more thoroughly elaborate after he pays visit to the country.   

– I am pleased I have the opportunity to hear from the Prime Minister Gruevski himself about how Macedonia undertakes reinvestment  activities contributing to the well-being of its citizens,  introduces zero tax on reinvested profit, as well a provides the possibility to lease land under favourable conditions for a period of up to 99 years. I am also very pleased with the possibilities to start business in Macedonia and, therefore, we make advantage of this Forum to establish cooperation and make contacts for the purpose of investing in Macedonia, in the field of engineering, which is a branch of crucial importance in the USA. Instead of bringing engineers here, we would like to employ engineers and probably start business in Macedonia, David Jancosek said.

Government delegation headed by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski presented the investment opportunities in New York as well.  The delegation comprises the Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Stavreski, Ministers without Portfolio in charge of Attracting Foreign Investments Vele Samak and Jerry Naumoff and the CEO of the Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones, Viktor Mizo.  


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