Skopje, 8th May 2013 (MIA) – Government restores the logo “Buy Macedonian Products”, “For Our Own Good”, “Made in Macedonia” and the Sun on fiscal receipts starting 1st January 2014. Fiscal receipt will also contain the total turnover realized from Macedonian products. The goal is to support national economy and to raise awareness of the citizens to buy Macedonian products.

As Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski, said at today’s press conference, is part of the latest amendments to the Law on Registering Cash Payments, which were adopted at the last session of the Government.

– These are amendments aimed at underpinning the Macedonian economy, supporting the consumption of Macedonian products, since their production depends not that much on how much they are used in the trade, but rather on how much they are used by the consumers. Having in mind the time we live in and the general trends in the European and the Macedonian economy, we believe it is necessary to support Macedonian products and to stimulate their consumption, so everybody can see on the receipts the turnover realized from their sale, Stavreski said.

Adopted amendments also envisage connecting the fiscal devices with the Public Revenue Office, thus the PRO will have greater insight in the registering of turnover realized through the fiscal devices.

– Each fiscal device will be connected, through GPRS, with the Public Revenue Office which, at the end of the day, will have information on the transactions made and the total turnover of each entity. This practically provides for greater transparency in the operations of the business entities and greater possibility for the PRO to have the information and, on the basis of analyzing such information, to monitor the operations of the business entities, Stavreski said.

The provision will enter into force from 1st January to 1st March 2014 for companies realizing more than Denar 10 million as turnover, taxpayers engaged in catering services and taxpayers engaged in retail sale of oil derivatives, while it will start apply on other entities from 1st June 2014.

As regards application of the provisions, companies will have to upgrade the fiscal devices, the costs incurred therefrom will be recognized and they will be entitled to tax exemption which is envisaged under the law.

According to PRO Director, Goran Trajkovski, it is not a matter of directly encumbering the entities. He said that in the first three months this year, 4,000 business entities were tax exempted, accounting for Denar 6,140 million with respect to procurement of fiscal devices.

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