15th March 2018, Skopje – Coordination Body of Regulatory Institutions in charge of Financial Education in Macedonia, comprising the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, the Ministry of Finance, the Insurance Supervision Agency, the Agency for Supervision of Fully-Funded Pension Insurance and the Securities and Exchange Commission, in cooperation with the Education Development Bureau and the Association of Microfinance Organizations, are celebrating the Global Money Week this week (12th March – 18th March). The celebration will continue throughout the month of March.

During the Global Money Week, many primary and secondary schools from Skopje and the other towns, as well as from the rural areas, will visit the premises of the five regulators (the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, the Ministry of Finance, the Insurance Supervision Agency, the Agency for Supervision of Fully-Funded Pension Insurance and the Securities and Exchange Commission).

Six years in a row already activities of this type are being organized, and the purpose is to raise the level of financial literacy among the youth population in the Republic of Macedonia. During the visits, educational lectures are conducted on the topics in the areas the institutions themselves cover and operate in, i.e. money, saving, trading, banking sector, investments, insurance, pension sector and other topics related to the functioning of the financial systems.

Global Money Week, organized by the Child and Youth Finance International, has been celebrated globally since 2012, during which period more than 73,000 activities were held, with more than 8 million children and young people participating, in more than 137 countries and more than 24,000 organizations and institutions. This global initiative raises the awareness among the youth population by learning about the use of money in the society, including the saving, the employment and the entrepreneurship. Each year young people talk and discuss, read and learn about the economic and the financial systems through different activities implemented by the state institutions. The goal of the Child and Youth Finance International is to encourage the youth to invest in their future, underlining the importance of early financial education, thus helping them become aware of their financial rights, facilitating their access to the financial services and developing their financial skills. Topic covered at this year’s Global Money Week is “Money Matters Matter!”, the aim being for the youth to learn to wisely manage money they own and to save for their future.

More information on Global Money Week can be found here:http://globalmoneyweek.org/



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