Department of Customs Policy, System and Procedure carries out tasks related to uniting and coordinating the activities in the field of customs policy, system and procedure, customs tariff, customs value and origin, non-tariff measures, e-customs, analytics and projections of customs revenues and activities for their improvement, cooperation with many international organizations and institutions (WTO, WCO, EU), harmonization and preparation of customs regulations in line with the global and European standards, as well as analysis and monitoring of Free Trade Agreements.



Contact persons:


Head of Department

Zoran Gligorov

office: ++389 2 3106 123; fax: ++389 2 3106-120

e-mail: zoran.gligorov<at>



Assistant to the Head of Department

Lenka Petkovska

office: ++389 2 3106 385

e-mail: lenka.petkovska<at>



Customs System and Policy Unit

Cana Zafirovska

office: ++389 2 3106 427

e-mail: cana.zafirovska<at>



Unit for Customs Tariff, Origin, Value and Analysis

Jordan Simonov

office: ++389 2 3106 429

e-mail: jordan.simonov<at>



Unit for Customs Procedures, Non-Tariff Measures and E-Customs

Burim Baftiari

office: ++389 2 3106 231

e-mail: burim.baftiari<at>

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